BD Bactec platelet QC media FDA-cleared, CE-IVD marked

April 29, 2019—BD announced the worldwide availability of BD Bactec platelet quality control media to identify contaminated platelet units. The product can be used for quality control testing of leukocyte-reduced apheresis platelet units—leukocyte-reduced single and a pool of up to six units of leukocyte-reduced whole blood platelet concentrates.

“The availability of the BD Bactec platelet quality control media allows clinicians the opportunity to identify potentially contaminated platelet donations by using a culture-based methodology, helping to reduce the risk of sepsis,” Gerald Denys, PhD, senior research professor of pathology and laboratory medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, said in a press release from BD.

BD Bactec platelet quality control media leverages the company’s automated Bactec FX technology and Synapsys microbiology informatics solution to help laboratories meet culture-based platelet testing requirements.