Beckman releases new version of middleware

Sept. 12, 2018Beckman Coulter launched version 1.10 of its Remisol Advance middleware system for mid- to high-volume laboratories. Enhancements include a centralized dashboard that combines sample status information (pending, stat, validated, and processed), turnaround time data, and quality control alerts in an intuitive format.

“By providing a snapshot display of important analytics in a single location, we are enabling technologists to identify and prioritize critical activities moment by moment,” Erik Johnson, vice president and general manager of workflow and informatics at Beckman Coulter, said in a press release.

The latest version also offers enhanced rules-writing functionality, which provides users with the ability to copy rules to multiple tests simultaneously and evaluate rule performance under simulated conditions, and dynamic turnaround-time monitoring, which alerts users to samples at risk of delay and displays a custom list of delayed samples.