Binding Site expands line of antibodies, antigens

May 2019—Binding Site’s Immunologicals Group has added purified monoclonal antibodies for the testing of human immunodeficiency virus, designed for use as components within enzyme immunoassay test procedures. The antibodies include anti-human HIV P24 mAb 275, anti-human HIV P24 mAb 114, and anti-human HIV P24 mAb They are sourced from mice, manufactured to a purity level of >95 percent, and are preservative free. Their shelf life is four years from the date of manufacture.

The company has added three native Bordetella pertussis antigens, the Bordetella pertussis filamentous hemagglutinin antigen, Bordetella pertussis toxin antigen, and Bordetella pertussis whole-cell antigen, for use as components within solid phase enzyme immunoassay test procedures. Shelf life is 10 years from the date of manufacture and evaluation samples are available for testing.

The company also expanded its line of serum and plasma biological materials from a variety of disease state conditions, including ANAs, ANCAs, aPLs, ENAs, infectious/contagious diseases, inflammation markers, and auto-antibodies focused on a variety of human organs and tissues.

Binding Site, 800-633-4484