Emergency prep guidelines, 3/15

359-CLSI12_14March 2014—The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute has published a new document, “Planning for Laboratory Operations During a Disaster; Approved Guideline (GP36-A).” The document provides guidance for laboratory and health care leadership for development, implementation, and sustainment of effective emergency preparedness plans (all hazards) supporting nonanalytical components of clinical and public health laboratory services that may pertain to various natural and manmade disasters.

The document gives an overview of typical emergency management planning at the hospital and community level regarding what can be expected outside of the laboratory that may impact the laboratory during disaster operations. It also presents a detailed roadmap to emergency operations plan development, maintenance, and continued improvement. Public health assets are discussed, including a section devoted to pandemic influenza planning. Additional emphasis is given on how to interact with governmental Laboratory Response Networks.

CLSI, 610-688-0100