FormaPath launches AdiPress for lymph node dissection

January 2024—FormaPath announced the commercial launch of AdiPress, an automated tool to standardize lymph node dissection. The device’s proprietary automated compressive filtration process separates all lymph nodes found in pericolic fat, yielding concentrated lymphatic tissue. This tissue is captured in square wells within specialized LymFilter containers that are sized for paraffin embedding in standard cassettes that can then be prepared for microscopic analysis. Standardizing lymph node dissection via the automated compressive filtration process aims to ensure reproducibility, reducing variation related to manual dissection. Run time is less than two minutes.

“The launch of AdiPress is a key turning point for the automated lab of the future. AdiPress, which improves workflow and creates process standardization, will be the future backbone of all labs processing cancer specimens,” Alex Bodell, chief technology officer of FormaPath, said in a press statement.

The company is actively marketing AdiPress to labs in the United States, focusing on facilities in cancer centers with high case volumes and hospital networks with multiple labs.

FormaPath, 607-205-8001