High-throughput water purification system, 11/17


November 2017—MilliporeSigma launched its Milli-Q HR 7000 series, a high-throughput water purification system that offers a uniquely connected and sustainable central pure water solution. The system ensures constant water quality and flow rate while reducing water consumption and running costs, as compared with other high-throughput reverse osmosis systems, and produces up to 13,000 liters of pure water daily.

The Milli-Q HR 7000 series delivers purity level type three water for use in regular laboratory applications and instrument feeds. The systems contain Progard cartridges, advanced reverse osmosis membranes, and MilliporeSigma’s patented ERA (evolutive reject adjustment) technology. ERA automatically takes feed water quality into account to optimize water recovery by 45 to 75 percent, reducing water usage and costs.

Features include a large color touchscreen that displays the details needed for daily operations, such as storage levels, dispensing information, water production and quality data, consumable status, and step-by-step instructions for consumables replacement; full connectivity, which ensures accessibility and lab uptime; and data management capabilities that facilitate data traceability and compliance.

MilliporeSigma, 800-645-5478