Nikon partnership and SPIM system, 2/15

February 2014—Nikon Instruments announced a strategic partnership between Nikon and Jeol to research and develop tools that can correlate light and electron microscopy data to further push the limits of resolution.

“By bridging the gap between light microscopy and electron microscopy, Nikon strives to provide a true macro-to-molecular imaging solution,” Steve Ross, general manager of products and marketing at Nikon, said in a statement.

Nikon introduced the Ti-diSPIM, which enables sample and application flexibility by combining Applied Scientific Instrument’s diSPIM hardware with the Nikon Ti inverted research microscope. The system allows users to combine the applications on the Ti such as fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, photostimulation, point-scanning confocal, and total internal reflection fluorescence with light-sheet imaging. The Ti-diSPIM acquires two different views of the sample to generate 3-D images with isotropic resolution in XYZ.

Nikon, 800-526-4566