OncoLens offers free virtual tumor board platform

April 3, 2020—In response to COVID-19, OncoLens is offering the OncoLens virtual tumor board module at no cost, through the end of May 2020. The module enables cancer care teams to meet virtually, in real time, to discuss treatment options for their cancer patients on a secure, HIPAA-compliant platform. The platform comes equipped with virtual tumor board capabilities such as screen sharing of pathology and radiology images, care coordination, and clinical decision support, including clinical trial matching and evidence-based guidelines. Administrators are able to capture accreditation metrics for Commission on Cancer, National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers, and National Accreditation Program for Rectal Cancer. Users can upload slides, images and pathology, and laboratory and genetics reports. Pathologists can share their screens if they have digital pathology or have microscopes attached to a computer screen. The OncoLens virtual tumor board module can be deployed in a matter of five to seven days. Click here to register for a 30-minute demonstration. Questions can be directed to info@oncolens.com.