Randox unveils cytokine tests

June 22, 2020—Randox Laboratories has unveiled cytokine testing for COVID-19 risk stratification and treatment monitoring. The tests look for the presence of cytokines and are performed using Randox’s Biochip technology, which can detect up to 12 cytokines and growth factors from a single patient sample. The testing menu includes 26 cytokines across four biochip panels.

“Cytokine storms, which are the overstimulation of cytokines in response to infection, are a common complication of severe cases of COVID-19 and can trigger excessive, uncontrolled systemic inflammation,” Lynsey Adams, Randox marketing manager, explained in a company press release. “Treatment for any infection, COVID-19 included, is most effective when administered at an early stage, and so the detection of cytokine storms within COVID-19 patients could provide vitally important information that will direct the appropriate patient care pathway and facilitate improved patient outcomes.”

The tests are suitable for use with serum and plasma samples and are compatible with the Randox Evidence and Evidence Investigator analyzers, which are capable of processing 2,960 and 2,376 tests per hour, respectively.