Roche launches antibodies to ID mutations in brain cancer

Feb. 27, 2023—Roche launched the IDH1 R132H (MRQ-67) Rabbit Monoclonal Primary Antibody and ATRX Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody to identify mutation status in patients who have brain cancer.

The IDH1 assay can detect the IDH1 R132H mutation in adult-type gliomas and acute myeloid leukemia. When present, IDH1 R132H is associated with a relatively favorable prognosis and is important in patient stratification for clinical trials. The ATRX assay detects a mutation in the ATRX gene, providing diagnostic and prognostic information to clinicians.

Roche’s IDH1 and ATRX assays are available in the United States and are for use on the company’s BenchMark series of instruments.