Roche launches BenchMark Ultra Plus, Ventana DP 600

August 2022—Roche has launched its BenchMark Ultra Plus tissue staining platform. The system was built on the technology of the BenchMark Ultra and uses improved Ventana system software, which aims to enhance quality control and inventory management. The company says it incorporated additional features based on customer feedback, including remote monitoring with a connected device, new indicator lights, a retractable work surface, new slide drawers that mitigate fluid ingress and egress, a new integrated touchscreen, and more environmentally friendly waste segregation and degradation.

The BenchMark Ultra Plus is available in the European Union and will be available in the United States and in the Asia-Pacific market in September, followed by a worldwide rollout next year.

The company announced in a separate release the launch of its CE-IVD-marked brightfield Ventana DP 600 slide scanner. The 240-slide scanner, for research use only, creates high-resolution, digital images of stained tissue samples.

Roche, +41 61 688 8888