TMB substrate-chromogen, 9/13

The Binding Site now offers a substrate-chromogen containing 3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB). Designed for use as an integral component in peroxidase-based, colorimetric techniques, the TMB chromagen-substrate is for use in enzyme immunoassay test procedures.

The TMB substrate-chromagen demonstrates decreased sensitivity to light when compared with other peroxidase chromogens and can be developed without any special precautions. Offered in a liquid-stable, ready-to-use format, the product displays exceptional shelf-life stability, lot-to-lot consistency, and specific performance characteristics.

The TMB substrate-chromagen also permits for a safe alternative to other traditional peroxidase-based chromogens, as the product is nonflammable, requires no additional hands-on preparation, and has been reported as being noncarcinogenic. The product is available in a variety of convenient and operator-oriented predispensed packaging designs, with bulk configurations also available. A high-sensitivity version is also offered.

The Binding Site, 800-633-4484