Ultra-low attachment plate, 8/15

383-inspheroInSphero released its GravityTrap Ultra-low Attachment (ULA) Plate. The automation-compatible 96-well ULA format is well suited for production of 3-D tumor microtissues derived from tumor cell lines or to screen for the propensity of cells to form spheroids in a low-attachment environment.

The GravityTrap ULA Plate includes wells specially coated to prevent attachment and monolayer growth of cells. Each well incorporates a SureExchange tapered ledge design that simplifies the process of changing growth medium during long-term culture or compound dosing and protects spheroids from disruption or accidental aspiration. The narrow (1 mm diameter) growth chamber in each well features a flat bottom, eliminating focal distortion that can complicate imaging in round-bottom ULA plates. The narrow chamber provides the necessary concentration of cells required to promote formation of a single microtissue per well, while making it easier to locate and image even small (

InSphero, +41 (44) 515049-0