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Cytopathology in focus: Direct HPV testing in FNAs from cervical lymph node metastases

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In the study by Rollo F, et al., at Regina Elena National Cancer Institute of Rome, Italy, 63 liquid-based cervical FNA cytology samples and the corresponding formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues for 39 cases were tested for HPV DNA using the PCR-based INNO-LiPA HPV Genotyping Extra II (Fujirebio). Excellent agreement was observed between cytology and histology specimens (raw agreement: 97.5 percent; Cohen κ: 0.94). Furthermore, they had success with yield of HPV-DNA material in predominantly necrotic cytology samples. In addition, there was excellent correlation between p16 and HPV-DNA results in the histology specimens (Rollo F, Doná MG, Pellini R, et al. Cytology and direct human papillomavirus testing on fine needle aspirates from cervical lymph node metastases of patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma or occult primary. Cytopathology. 2018;29[5]:449​–454).

Rollo F, et al., demonstrate in their study that INNO-LiPA is a valid HPV-DNA testing platform for liquid-based cytology samples, even in cases with extensive necrosis. While this testing platform is not currently approved for use in the United States, the study is recommended reading because it provides further evidence of the value of HPV testing of predominately necrotic cervical lymph node FNAs and serves as a framework for laboratories aiming to validate HPV testing methods for liquid-based cytological specimens. 

Dr. Baskota is a PGY-3 AP resident at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and a member of the CAP Cytopathology Committee.