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FDA clears Diasorin Liaison Plex system

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April 2024—Diasorin announced FDA 510(k) clearance for its Liaison Plex platform and Flex respiratory assay. The fully automated, sample-to-answer system uses room-temperature–stable consumables and has a hands-on time of two minutes per sample. Results are available in less than two hours. Diasorin says Flex testing allows users to generate and pay for a subset of specific results based on a patient’s clinical picture.

The Liaison Flex respiratory assay tests for 19 pathogens commonly associated with respiratory infections, including 14 viral and five bacterial targets detected from nasopharyngeal swabs. Blood culture and gastrointestinal panels are under development.

Diasorin Liaison PlexThe Liaison Plex, initially named Verigene II by Luminex, is the successor of the Verigene system.

Diasorin, 562-240-6500