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From the President’s Desk

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The CAP offers an excellent program and resources to help CAP-accredited laboratories achieve ISO 15189 certification. Developing this program was a major investment for the CAP and it reflects its commitment to quality and excellence in patient care. More than 80 clinical laboratories have already completed it and been accredited, and I expect more will follow. Remarkably, despite the pandemic, we have seen growing interest in the ISO 15189 accreditation program.

The CAP’s ISO 15189 program recognizes that each laboratory’s situation is unique and provides customized support for achieving quality management standards. Laboratory medical directors or operational leaders should understand that ISO 15189 is a process that may take several years to achieve and it may not be the right fit for all laboratories right now. But should you choose to pursue this lofty goal, professional assessors will help you translate ISO 15189 criteria into practical, useful steps for your lab and staff. The CAP also provides the education and tools needed to implement program requirements, measure progress in quality management, and ensure that your culture and operation can grow into and sustain ISO 15189 accreditation.

I’d like to thank Dr. Sharma, pathologist and laboratory medical director at Henry Ford Health System and past chair of the CAP 15189 Committee, and Caroline Maurer, CAP 15189 program director, for sharing their insights about CAP’s ISO 15189 efforts for this column.

Dr. Volk welcomes communication from CAP members. Write to her at president@cap.org.