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Invitrogen Collibri DNA Library Prep Kits

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August 2019—Thermo Fisher introduced its Invitrogen Collibri DNA Library Prep Kits for high-throughput Illumina systems. The kits contain a tracking dye to provide an in-process visual cue, which aims to improve workflow success. When reagents are thoroughly mixed, the solution changes to one homogeneous color; an incomplete addition or mixing of reagents is indicated by a lack of color change. The inert dyes do not interfere with enzymatic reactions or compromise sequencing results.

The Collibri Physically Sheared (PS) DNA Library Prep Kit is suitable for physically sheared genomes of all sizes and variable quality, including FFPE samples. The kit offers higher confidence SNP and indel calls, the company says, resulting from stronger coverage of challenging genomic regions from a wide range of inputs (1 ng to 1 µg) of physically sheared double-stranded DNA. The Collibri PCR-Free Physically Sheared (PS) DNA Library Prep Kit supports PCR-free protocols starting with as little as 500 ng of DNA.