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New books: pathology art, atlas, endocrine guide

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April 2020—Sylvia L. Asa, MD, PhD, consultant in endocrine pathology, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center and University Health Network Toronto, and professor of pathology, Case Western Reserve University, served as an editor of two recently published books related to pathology and is a coauthor of the first book in series five of the AFIP Atlas of Tumor and Non-Tumor Pathology series. Dr. Asa showcased these books at this year’s USCAP meeting in Los Angeles.

Art Gallery of Pathology (ARP Press), created by Tim-Rasmus Kiehl, MD, and edited by Dr. Asa, explores the use of human pathology samples as they are used to create art. Dr. Kiehl worked as a neuropathologist at University Health Network in Toronto.