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Q & A Column, 4/14

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    1. Raj GV, Bochner BH, Vickers A, et al. Association between urinary cytology and pathology for nontransitional cell malignancies of the urinary tract. J Urol. 2006;175(6):2038–2041.
    2. Bates AW, Baithun SI. Secondary neoplasms of the bladder are histological mimics of nontransitional cell primary tumours: clinicopathological and histological features of 282 cases. Histopathology. 2000;36(1):32–40.
    3. Muus Ubago J, Mehta V, Wojcik EM, Barkan GA. Evaluation of atypical urine cytology progression to malignancy. Cancer Cytopathol. 2013;121(7):387–391.
    4. McCroskey Z, Mehta V, Wojcik EM, Barkan GA. Myeloid leukemia in a urine specimen: a case report and review of the literature [published online ahead of print June 8, 2013]. Diagn Cytopathol. doi:10.1002/dc.23017.
    5. Siddappa S, Mythri K, Kowsalya R. Cytological findings in routine voided urine samples with hematuria from a tertiary care center in south India. J Cytol. 2012;29(1):16–19.
    6. Deshpande V, McKee GT. Analysis of atypical urine cytology in a tertiary care center. Cancer. 2005;105(6):468–475.

Barbara A. Crothers, DO
Department of Pathology and Area Laboratory Services
Walter Reed National Military, Medical Center, Bethesda, Md.
Chair, CAP Cytopathology Committee


Dr. Kiechle is medical director of clini­cal pathology, Memorial Healthcare, Hollywood, Fla. Use the reader service card to submit your inquiries, or address them to Sherrie Rice, CAP TODAY, 325 Wau­ke­gan Road, Northfield, IL 60093; srice@cap.org.