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Tag Archives: Estrogen receptors/progesterone receptors

Breast cancer biomarkers, classic and new

February 2023—Like a thriving expat, Deborah Dillon, MD, is comfortable moving within worlds both old and new. Specifically, as a breast and molecular pathologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, she appreciates the biomarkers she and her colleagues grew up with, so to speak, as well as those that are part of a more recently arrived-at scenery. Not everyone finds both worlds equally riveting. “A lot of people are much more interested in, and excited by, new markers,” she says. “When I talk to people from pharma, this is what they want to hear about.” So do many pathologists, oncologists, and patients—new markers and new therapies have a way of updating hopes. Dr. Dillon understands the persistent thrill of the new, why people want her to talk the language of PIK3CA, PARP inhibitors, MMR, NTRK fusions, ESR1, and the like. But as an in-demand speaker as well as in a recent interview with CAP TODAY, she also advocates for making the old—the longstanding trinity of ER, PR, and HER2—seem new again.

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Colorectal cancer screening kits, 4/14

April 2014—EntroGen expanded its line of colorectal cancer screening products to include the EntroGen K-Ras and N-Ras Mutation Analysis kits. The kits are updated to include coverage for exon 2, 3, and 4 mutations in both genes. The company obtained a CE IVD mark for these products.

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