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Tag Archives: Cytopenias/thrombocytopenia

Coag issues occupy COVID’s central stage

July 2021—The pandemic’s reach has often been portrayed in shades of red, signaling surging COVID-19 cases across states and countries. Vaccination maps, on the other hand, tend to render progress in more soothing tones, typically in the green family. But in coagulation laboratories, one small portent is colored blue—specifically, blue-top sodium citrate tubes. In recent months, laboratories began voicing concerns about tightening supplies. They’ve spoken with their vendors; some have reached out to new ones. And though no one wants to think about limiting testing if supplies truly become scarce, it wouldn’t be the first time labs have had to steer through these waters. The tubes are a functional symbol of the continued complexities of COVID-19-related coagulopathy, as physicians try to understand and respond to the pathophysiology of infection that leads to a thrombotic event. As the pandemic has churned on, much has started coming into sharper focus. Prepublication persists, but physicians have begun to sort through the past 18 months and, as many have put it, to “do the science.”

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